Routine Screening of Patients for Malnutrition Decreases Risk of Mortality
Malnutrition is a significant health
burden within the elderly population, yet is often side-lined due to the global
obesity epidemic. By 2040 it is estimated that 1 in 7 people in the UK will be
aged over 75 years [1] therefore its prevalence is only likely to increase. A recent study by Söderström
et al. stated that malnutrition
increases risk of morbidity and mortality within older adults [2]. Conducting wider research into
this association and possible methods of nutritional assessment it has been concluded
that screening of hospital admissions should be a high priority
to ensure individualised nutritional care plans can be implemented as early as
possible to improve disease outcomes.
It is estimated that one third
of over 65s in the UK are suffering from, or at risk of, malnutrition when
admitted to hospital [3], with this figure predicted to rise as the population ages [4]. Malnutrition is defined
as “a state in which a deficiency of nutrients such as energy, protein,
vitamins or minerals results in measurable adverse effects on body composition,
function and or clinical outcome” [5] and is therefore associated with increased
morbidity and mortality due to a greater vulnerability to infections and
clinical complications [6].
A number of factors cause undernutrition
within the elderly including reduced mobility, affecting shopping and meal
preparation, dementia, leading to self-neglect, and a decreased sensory
threshold, reducing appetite [7]. A downward health spiral can exist where reduced dietary intake and decreased physical activity causes the loss of muscle strength, impairment of the immune system and diminished
cognitive performance, which in turn significantly affect nutritional behaviour [8].
Reduction in body weight is considered to be the most important indicator of malnutrition [8], as seen by a low BMI and unintentional weight loss of 5-10% over a period of 3-6 months [9]. Consequently, diagnosing malnutrition commonly involves taking anthropometric measurements. However, one of a number of validated screening tools are frequently used to assess a variety of domains such as functional status, lifestyle, diet and subjective health [8], allowing for cause and future risk of malnutrition to be evaluated.
Reduction in body weight is considered to be the most important indicator of malnutrition [8], as seen by a low BMI and unintentional weight loss of 5-10% over a period of 3-6 months [9]. Consequently, diagnosing malnutrition commonly involves taking anthropometric measurements. However, one of a number of validated screening tools are frequently used to assess a variety of domains such as functional status, lifestyle, diet and subjective health [8], allowing for cause and future risk of malnutrition to be evaluated.
mini nutritional assessment (MNA) is an instrument recommended by a number of
organisations including the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and the European Society
for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN) for use within those aged over 65 years [10].
In the study conducted by Söderström et
al. this method was employed to measure nutritional risk within a cohort of
hospital admissions aged ≥65 years to determine whether malnutrition was
associated with risk of mortality from a number of specific causes [2]. This review
will compare the conclusions obtained with those from wider research to discuss
the importance of the NICE quality standard that states malnutrition screening
should be mandatory for individuals within care settings [5].
1771 hospital admissions were initially
included in the study, with 1767 patients followed up after a median of 5.1
data collection and nutritional screening
Clinical characteristics data was
obtained at baseline including independence of living. Primary and secondary
medical diagnoses were collected at patient discharge and categorised into
twenty diagnosis groups of the ICD-10. Anthropometric measurements were taken
and nutritional screening using the full 18-item MNA instrument was performed
on all patients, categorising them as well-nourished, at risk of malnutrition,
or malnourished.
collection at follow-up
Cause of mortality data was obtained
from the Swedish Cause of Death Register and coded according to ICD-10. All
causes of death stated on the death certificate were included. 20 main
diagnostic groups were identified based on ≥50 deaths within each.
Survival analysis considered time from
date of MNA assessment to cause-specific death or date of censoring, which
included emigration, end of follow-up or death from other causes. The association
between nutritional status and risk of death was analysed using Cox proportional
hazards regression for each diagnostic group, with cause-specific death as the
outcome in each. All models were adjusted for a baseline characteristics and
characteristics at baseline
Of the 1767 patients followed-up, 35.5%
were well-nourished, 55.1% were at risk of malnutrition and 9.4% were
malnourished upon hospital admission. The mean age of participants was 78.1 at
baseline. 95.1% of subjects lived at home at the start of the study.
characteristics at follow-up
At follow-up, 928 participants were
alive and 839 deceased. Mean age at death was 82.8. 53.4% of patients died in
hospital, 26.0% in a nursing home and only 9.6% died at home. The most common
causes of death were those of the circulatory system (62.6%), which included
heart failure, ischaemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease, followed by
neoplasms (35.9%).
of statistical analysis
For all registered causes of death,
nutritional screening group at baseline was related to survival rate. After
adjustment, there was a significant association between malnutrition or risk of
malnutrition and death from 17 out of 20 of the examined causes. Of the main
diagnostic groups there was a significant association between both malnutrition
and risk of malnutrition and death from neoplasms, mental or behavioural
disorders, diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the circulatory system,
and diseases of the respiratory system.
The study by Söderström et al. concluded that poor nutritional status increases risk of
mortality [2]. Previous research into cause-specific death is
sparse but positive associations between malnutrition and length of hospital
stay, morbidity and mortality have frequently been reported. For example, Charlton
et al. suggested that length of stay
was 18.5 days longer for malnourished compared to well-nourished individuals [11], which may result from delayed wound healing post-surgery as a consequence of decreased fibroblast proliferation and collagen formation [12], and immune system suppression causing susceptibility to complications and nosocomial infections [13].
it has been found that a 4-5% loss in body weight over 1 year or a 10% loss
over 5-10 years is associated with increased mortality [14] and that malnourished patients ≥75 years may have a 3-fold higher death rate
than well-nourished peers [15]. It could be thought that these individuals have a greater risk of mortality than older adults aged <75 years, however it cannot be taken as a definite conclusion due to the correlation between nutritional deterioration and functional limitation [16]. Although this factor is influenced by the progressive decline in muscle mass, which occurs with age [14], the extent of individual independence could be deemed more significant. This means those with cognitive impairment may instead be at highest risk [17].
et al. studied death within a 5-year follow up period,
assessing nutritional risk at baseline [8]. It has previously been found that elderly individuals
at high initial nutritional risk experience a decrease in quality of life
during follow-up [18], most likely as a result
of the physical and psychological effects of functional impairment [19] from sarcopenia, which
is often presented in parallel with malnutrition [14], or from the symptoms of chronic disease. In addition,
it has been suggested that malnourished patients may be twice as likely to be discharged to a nursing institution [20], reflecting
a significant reduction in independence. These findings are important when considering
the downward health
spiral of malnutrition [8] and the corresponding amplification of mortality risk.
The MNA was used to measure nutritional status [2], an instrument that acts as a global assessment tool by identifying any need for higher standards of care due to physical or cognitive impairment [21], as well as malnutrition. As a result of this, and its frequent association with disease outcomes, the MNA and similar nutritional screening tools are considered superior to other methods. It has been indicated in numerous studies that anthropometric data such as BMI underestimates malnutrition [22] and does not predict mortality [23] or risk of complications [24]. This is of particular concern when considering obese patients or those suffering body water fluctuations in response to disease [25] as a malnourished state may not be recognised. Moreover, serum albumin is regularly considered a marker of malnutrition. Low serum albumin has been observed to correlate with increased risk of mortality and longer length of hospital stay [26]. Nonetheless, it is not a direct nutritional parameter and its role as an acute-phase reactant links it to inflammatory status, meaning during illness concentration is often decreased and over-diagnosis of malnutrition may occur [27].
The MNA was used to measure nutritional status [2], an instrument that acts as a global assessment tool by identifying any need for higher standards of care due to physical or cognitive impairment [21], as well as malnutrition. As a result of this, and its frequent association with disease outcomes, the MNA and similar nutritional screening tools are considered superior to other methods. It has been indicated in numerous studies that anthropometric data such as BMI underestimates malnutrition [22] and does not predict mortality [23] or risk of complications [24]. This is of particular concern when considering obese patients or those suffering body water fluctuations in response to disease [25] as a malnourished state may not be recognised. Moreover, serum albumin is regularly considered a marker of malnutrition. Low serum albumin has been observed to correlate with increased risk of mortality and longer length of hospital stay [26]. Nonetheless, it is not a direct nutritional parameter and its role as an acute-phase reactant links it to inflammatory status, meaning during illness concentration is often decreased and over-diagnosis of malnutrition may occur [27].
literature offers conclusive results regarding the association between
malnutrition and disease outcome, although it remains uncertain whether
malnutrition came secondary to disease as oppose to increasing risk. This is
questioned as symptoms may reduce appetite, medication may cause malabsorption
and cachexia can cause loss of lean body mass (8). Regardless
of the cause, the ability to identify those suffering from, or at risk of,
malnutrition relies on assessment of nutritional status, with validated
instruments offering greater accuracy than clinical judgement [28]. It should
therefore be recommended that all patients are screened upon admission to
hospital. Conducting this
assessment within the first 24 hours would allow for early nutritional
intervention and personalised care such as prescription of calorie or protein
supplements in an effort to improve outcomes such as likelihood of readmission,
length of stay and risk of mortality [26][29][30][31].
To maximise implementation, the method
of nutritional assessment would need to be quick and easy, non-invasive and
cost-effective. Although not used by Söderström et al., a
6-question short form of the MNA (MNA-SF) exists which has been shown to have high
sensitivity, although limited specificity [12]. Use of the MNA-SF may therefore overestimate
undernutrition, impacting clinical resources, but would highlight individuals
who are at risk and may be missed by the full MNA to allow for patients to be monitored to prevent deterioration [12]. Additionally, it could act as an initial screening
tool in a 2-step approach, with a full MNA being conducted based on MNA-SF
score [18]. It would, however, be imperative to
perform additional tests in conjunction with nutritional assessment to identify
micronutrient deficiencies as these would not be detected by the MNA [18].
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