A Daily Walk and Regular Resistance Training May Maintain Independence of Older Adults
physical activity has numerous health benefits for older adults, including slowing
the age-associated loss of muscle strength and aiding in weight maintenance.
Despite this, participation declines with age, which increases risk of frailty, disability and disease, worsening clinical outcomes and impairing the ability to perform activities of
daily living. A recent study by Kim et al. found that greater adiposity and low
grip strength, a marker of overall muscle strength, were associated with
mortality [1]. After discussing these conclusions
within the wider literature, it could be recommended that older adults should
undertake regular physical activity, including both resistance
training and moderate aerobic exercise, such as walking or group classes.
This should be complemented by a less sedentary lifestyle, avoiding extended
periods of sitting, to ensure maximum benefits
are obtained. Following this advice may help reduce rate of functional decline,
allowing for independence and quality of life to be maintained.
Biological senescence that occurs with
age is frequently associated with functional impairment, impacting mobility,
independence and quality of life. The term sarcopenia describes the progressive
loss of muscle mass, yet this only explains a small amount of the variance in
muscle strength [2],
which declines at a greater rate [3], with a loss of 15-20% every decade after
50 years [4]. Dynapenia is a distinct
condition that defines this age-associated loss of maximal strength [5]. It is an indicator of functional
and nutritional status [6], and is thought to have greater
prognostic value than sarcopenia [7] in predicting risk of
falls, hospitalisation, time for recovery from illness, disability, frailty and
mortality [6]. Dynapenia has also been associated with metabolic
abnormalities such as insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome [5]. However, when dynapenia is combined with abdominal obesity worse outcomes
are observed than from either condition alone due to muscle fat infiltration
and low grade chronic inflammation [5].
A higher BMI indicates greater amounts
of both lean and fat mass, yet visceral obesity is associated with adverse
health outcomes [8].
Moreover, muscle strength does not increase proportionally to the increase in
muscle mass, which is augmented within obese individuals due to the stimulation of muscle tissue
synthesis by the high load placed on muscles. This is such that absolute strength may be higher but strength adjusted for body
weight tends to be lower than in non-obese adults [9]. Further to this, obesity
is associated with comorbidities including type 2 diabetes (T2D) and
cardiovascular disease (CVD), increased risk of arthritis [10], and impaired balance [11].
Consequently, a decline in muscle strength relative to body mass, in
combination with additional factors, is likely to limit the ability to perform
activities of daily living (ADL).
The increasing prevalence of obesity
within the ageing population [12] will place a greater burden on
health and social care as a result of a loss of independence, poor clinical
outcomes, and high risk of chronic disease. There is a large interindividual
variability in the rate of decline in physical function, with fat mass and muscle
strength being considered key factors in its progression [13] and modifiable by physical activity. A recently published prospective observational study by Kim et al. investigated the association
between mortality and both handgrip strength (GS), which is the most commonly used
surrogate measure of overall muscle strength [13], and excess adiposity [1]. This review will discuss their conclusions within wider
research to determine whether recommendations for older adults to slow rate of functional decline with age should
focus on weight loss, strength training, or target both components.
Data was from UK Biobank, a national
cohort of over 500,000 adults aged 40-69 years at recruitment, collecting
physical measurements, biological samples and assessing sociodemographic,
health and lifestyle factors.
strength and adiposity measurement
GS was measured using a
dynamometer, with participants squeezing the handle as strongly as possible for
3 seconds. The value from both hands was averaged. BMI was calculated, and waist
circumference and body fat percentage measured, with participants then categorised for each.
Data on mortality was obtained from
death records and CVD mortality defined by ICD-10 diagnostic criteria.
The associations between GS and
adiposity with all-cause and CVD mortality were estimated using Cox
proportional hazards regression. A number of models were produced, estimating
the association between GS and mortality with adjustment for confounders and
each of the three adiposity measures separately. Models reflecting adiposity were adjusted for the same covariates and GS. The association with each 5kg
increment of GS were also estimated. Joint associations with mortality were
investigated by combining sex and age-specific GS quintiles and different
adiposity categories.
Sensitivity analyses used maximum GS
from either hand, GS normalised for body weight or FFM, excluded mortality in
the first 2 years of follow-up and excluded those with COPD or smoking history.
403,199 participants were included in
the final sample. There were minimal differences in BMI, WC and %BF across GS
of statistical analysis
Risk of all-cause mortality was lower
for men and women in the highest quintiles of GS compared to the lowest after
adjustment for confounders and adiposity measures, with a 32% lower hazard for
men and 25% for women. An 8% reduced hazard of all-cause mortality was observed
per 5kg increase in GS after adjustment for BMI. Similar results were reported
from the sensitivity analyses.
The inverse association between GS and
CVD mortality were similar and significant for men but not for women, but for both sexes it was significant when measuring a per 5kg increase in GS.
A J-shaped association between BMI and
mortality risk was observed and those in the highest BMI and WC categories had
increased hazards of all-cause and CVD mortality.
Obese men with low GS had highest risk of all-cause mortality, with an 89% increased hazard compared to normal
weight men with highest GS. Normal weight men with low GS had a higher
mortality risk than obese men with a higher GS. For women, a 69% increased risk
of mortality was observed for those with the highest BMI and lowest GS compared
to normal weight women with highest GS. Obese women with higher GS had lower
risk of all-cause mortality than non-obese women with lower GS. The
associations were similar for CVD mortality.
The study by Kim et al. found a lower grip strength to be associated with increased
risk of mortality independent of adiposity. This is consistently reported
within the literature, with hand grip strength being predictive of
post-operative complications [6] and length of hospital stay [14], hazard of death [15], and risk of all-cause mortality
independent of comorbidity or inflammatory markers [16]. Moreover, multimorbidity has been
suggested to have an additive impact on body strength, with grip strength
decreasing linearly with number of chronic diseases [17]. In addition, a
relationship between morbidity and handgrip strength is frequently observed, with
odds of limitation suggested to be up to 3x greater for those below the cut off
value compared to those with normal grip strength [13]. A positive association with physical performance [18] and an inverse
association with functional decline [19] have also been observed,
as well as an association with hospitalisation [15] and readmission [20], although the latter conclusion may be
subject to bias if measurements are taken upon initial hospitalisation as the
presenting condition may impact muscle strength. It has also been shown that
higher grip strength is related to reduced length of stay on rehabilitation
wards, although this could also be influenced by external factors such as the
availability of health and social care following discharge [14]. Nonetheless, grip strength is commonly deemed one
of frailty criteria [21] therefore, as suggested within the literature, a high grip strength is likely
to correlate with reduced vulnerability to stresses and greater physiological
analysing the association between grip strength and mortality interindividual
differences should be considered. Firstly, women have a shallower slope of
strength decline, yet with every kg lost per year they have a greater reduction
in survival rate [22].
This may be attributed to their uneven decline in strength, with lower
extremities losing strength more rapidly than upper extremities [11].
It has also been discussed that BMI specific cut points for grip strength may
improve the sensitivity and specificity of the test [11] as muscle strength adjusted for body weight is
significant in functional decline. As this is not generally incorporated into
studies it could be that many of the results are slightly attenuated and hand
grip strength may be more strongly correlated with morbidity and mortality risk
than reported. Results from research using change in grip strength as a
variable should also be interpreted with caution as physiological reserves can
vary between individuals due to genotype and lifestyle factors. Those with greater
physiological reserves are likely to be able to lose a more of their muscle
strength prior to onset of disability [16], causing a null association to be observed with physical
performance. Finally, inconsistencies in the literature may be a consequence of
several characteristics influencing the ability to undertake ADLs, including
flexibility, coordination and balance, which tend to be included in short
physical performance battery tests but may not correlate with grip strength [16].
As with the observations in the study by
Kim et al., obesity is often stated as
a risk factor for both mortality [10] and functional limitation [23]. It has also been reported that
adiposity, as measured by waist circumference and fat mass, is associated with
disability [3]. However, Kim et
al. found the highest risk of mortality to be within obese individuals with
lowest grip strength, when classifying by BMI [1], a relationship that has mostly been investigated in
relation to morbidity rather than survival. Obese individuals with low strength
generally have high rates of onset of disability [3], with slower walking speed and lower physical function
score compared to non-obese. This effect has been assessed as
additive [13]. Inflammation from abdominal adiposity is
also likely to augment the functional limitation resulting from dynapenia, with
an increase in IL-6 and CRP [24] and muscle fat infiltration [12] impairing the muscular environment and reducing muscle efficiency [25]. Over 5 years of follow-up a greater
than 3-fold increase in risk of worsening disability has been observed for
those with dynapenia and abdominal obesity compared to those with neither condition.
Despite this, Stenholm et al. reported a decrease in mortality risk for
obese and overweight subjects compared to normal weight subjects for those over
70 years [10]. This suggests that weight throughout the life course
should be taken into account as rapid weight loss, potentially due to energy
and protein malnutrition, is likely to accelerate the natural loss of muscle
strength leading to poor outcomes. Initiating weight loss in older adults by
using restrictive diets may adversely affect physiological reserves and
predispose to frailty,
and so interventions focusing on increased physical activity could be thought
more beneficial.
A less sedentary lifestyle reduces risk
of obesity by increasing energy expenditure, aiding in weight maintenance, promoting
a negative energy balance, and reducing body fat [26] and waist circumference [27]. It is also said that
aerobic exercise may decrease CRP [28], which accelerates dynapenia and is
involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory chronic diseases including CVD and
T2D. Nonetheless, there is concern that older adults compensate for vigorous
physical activity by less fragmented sedentary behaviour, increasing adiposity,
causing muscle disuse [26],
and attenuating any effect of exercise interventions.
Moreover, moderate physical activity has
been shown to maintain muscle strength [29] or significantly lessen
its decline despite loss of lean mass [30]. For this, resistance
training is the more commonly studied intervention. An increase in physical and
social functioning has been observed following a 12-week systematic strength
training programme [31], with greater relative
gains occurring in upper limb muscle groups to also improve balance and
postural control [32].
The translation from preservation of
muscle strength by resistance training to improvement in physical performance
has been evidenced, with active subjects having faster gait speed and shorter stair
ascension times, as well as a higher aerobic capacity, so reduced exhaustion [33]. However, it may be essential to
perform multi-joint exercises [34] and combine strength training with functional
training by training individuals to perform particular activities using dynamic
tasks and coordinated multi-planar movements [35]. For example, a
training programme involving chair standing may reduce time to stand from a
chair, or one including balance may improve balance. This approach could have
the potential to enhance outcomes in terms of reducing rate of functional
decline and maintaining independence. It is important to note that for any type
of training undertaken the effect may be influenced by age-related changes to
the nervous system which can impair neuromuscular coordination, affecting motor
neuron excitation and force production by muscle fibres [32], impairing muscle strength. This
may suggest that maintenance of cognitive function is also essential, although
physical activity also confers such benefits [36].
From discussing the study by Kim et al. within the wider literature, it
has been shown that grip strength predicts adverse outcomes, making it an
effective marker for overall muscle strength. In addition, there has been
agreement with the conclusions that both lower grip strength and greater
adiposity increase risk of mortality, and that a combination of dynapenia and
obesity augment the effect [1]. A significant association with morbidity and worsening
disability has also been observed. It could therefore be concluded that recommendations
for older adults that aim to prevent functional decline should target both
weight loss and muscle strength preservation, although it would be important to
ensure that all individuals do not rapidly lose weight as this can accelerate
both sarcopenia and dynapenia, predisposing to frailty.
Physical activity declines with age [33], yet is beneficial for weight maintenance, preservation
of lean mass and muscular strength, improves balance and co-ordination, reduces
fatigue, and is a modifiable risk factor for metabolic conditions such as T2D.
To maximise and diversify its effects, it could thought preferable to perform
both aerobic exercise and resistance training. Current UK guidelines for adults
over 65 years, which promote 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity each
week and physical activity to improve muscle strength on at least 2 days per
week [36],
may therefore be appropriate advice. However, it would be important to ensure
that additional activity is not compensated for by a more sedentary lifestyle, so
time spend sat for extended periods should also be minimised.
To provide more specific
recommendations, it may be ideal for resistance exercise programmes to involve
regular training, with alternating rest days, at an intensity that balances the
ability to increase muscle strength with prevention of musculoskeletal injury. It
may also be essential to focus on progression, which stimulates the body to
exert a greater magnitude of force, enhancing motor performance and increasing
exercise tolerance [34]. This could be done by varying frequency, sets,
repetitions, duration and exercises. Spending 30 minutes over 5 days walking or
cycling, participating in active leisure pursuits such as gardening or dancing,
joining group exercise classes, community or gym based activities, or swimming [36] contributes to undertaking 150 minutes of moderate
intensity physical activity per week. Such activities are likely to not only maintain functional independence, but also have the potential to enhance psychological and social functioning, improving all domains of health.
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