Folic Acid During Pregnancy May Support Brain Development
is recommended that daily folic acid supplements should be taken before
pregnancy and during the first 12 weeks post conception to reduce risk of birth
defects. However, it has also been hypothesised that a high folic acid intake
may have beneficial effects on neurocognitive development. From a recent study
by Valera-Gran et al. it was reported that taking higher intake of folic acid
benefits cognition and behaviour in children, but that daily doses of folic
acid during the periconception period may be detrimental [1]. From discussing their conclusions
within wider research, it has been suggested that there is not sufficient
evidence to make a recommendation regarding folic acid supplementation
based solely on cognition, but that supplementation with 400μg/day should
continue to be advised. It could also be said that pregnant women should
consume high quantities of folic acid from food during all three trimesters to
prevent deficiency and support brain development.
The human brain is the slowest organ to
develop, beginning 18 days after fertilisation and continuing for many years
post-birth [2], with rapid neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, myelination, axonal and dendritic growth and gliogenesis characterising early critical stages [3]. Nutrition influences neurodevelopment,
with deficiencies potentially imparting long-term effects on brain structure
and cognition. One nutrient of particular interest is folic acid (FA), of which
elevated levels have been observed in the brain of a foetus [4].
FA is the oxidised and synthetic form of
folate found in supplements and fortified foods. Upon absorption, it is reduced
to tetrahydrofolate for incorporation into physiologically functional pools [5] and is used to transfer one
carbon units, or methyl groups, for DNA replication and amino acid metabolism [6]. During pregnancy there is an
increased requirement of FA due to rapid cell proliferation and tissue,
placental and foetal growth [7]. FA also has a fundamental role in
brain development [4], affecting neural stem cell
proliferation and differentiation [8],
neurotransmitter and receptor synthesis [2], and DNA methylation [7]. Its role as a cofactor for the methionine synthase enzyme that converts
homocysteine (Hcy) to methionine means folate also prevents elevated Hcy
levels, which is otherwise associated with its accumulation and enhanced
apoptosis within regions of the brain affecting working memory and memory formation,
motor and executive function, and neurogenesis [9].
Advice in the UK is for 400μg/day FA in supplemental form to be taken prior to conception and up to the 12th
week of pregnancy, in addition to consuming foods rich in FA, to reduce the
risk of neural tube defects (NTD) such as spina bifida and anencephaly [10].
However, as approximately half of pregnancies are unplanned, it has become of
increasing concern that there are limits to the effectiveness of this advice [11]. Mandatory fortification
of flour with FA has been recommended by the Scientific Advisory Committee for
Nutrition (SACN), with the optimal level of 300μg/100g flour having the
potential to reduce risk of NTD affected pregnancies by 11-18% [11]. The effect of this action on cognitive
development has not been quantified. A recent prospective cohort study by
Valera-Gran et al. investigated the
effect of maternal FA supplementation on neurocognitive development in children
at age 4-5 years during both the periconception period and the entire pregnancy [1]. This review will relate their findings to wider research
to evaluate the association between FA supplementation and subsequent neurodevelopment
and to discuss whether there may be benefits obtained from flour fortification
beyond that of preventing NTDs.
Data was from the Infancia y Medio
Ambiente Study, a multicentre mother-child cohort study. 1682 mother-child
pairs were included who had data for the variables required when children
reached age 4-5 years.
of dietary folate and supplement use
Two 101-item food frequency
questionnaires (FFQs) were administered at 10-13 weeks and 28-32 weeks from
conception and used to calculate dietary folate intake. Questions on FA
supplementation were asked at each time point. Doses were categorised as
<400μg/day, 400-999μg/day, and ≥1000μg/day.
The McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities
(MSCA) assessed neuropsychological development at median age 4.5 years, or 5.7
years in Valencia.
MSCA outcomes were standardised and
multiple linear regression models used to analyse the association between MSCA
scales and both intake of dietary folate and FA supplements in the periconception
period, from the fourth to seventh month, and for the entire pregnancy.
The recommended FA supplement dose was
not taken by 54.8% of women. 29.8% took ≥1000μg/day in the periconception
period, although this reduced in the second stage of pregnancy.
of statistical analysis
For the periconception period, maternal
dietary folate was associated with an increase in global memory and in visual
and verbal span scores in children at age 4-5 years. Compared with
400-999μg/day, FA supplementation of ≥1000μg/day was associated with a
reduction in global verbal score, and verbal memory, cognitive function of the
posterior cortex, and cognitive function of the left posterior cortex. A
significantly lower verbal memory score was observed for FA supplement intake
For the fourth to the seventh month of
pregnancy, dietary folate intake was positively associated with verbal memory
score but negatively associated with visual executive function. There was no
association between cognition and FA supplementation ≥1000μg/day.
Throughout the entire pregnancy, higher
dietary folate intake was positively associated with verbal memory, and tended
to be associated with global verbal, global memory, visual and verbal span and
cognitive function of the left posterior cortex. However, there were no
associations between cognition and FA supplementation ≥1000μg/day.
The study by Valera-Gran et al. concluded that FA intake of
≥1000μg/day in the periconception period was associated with reduced cognitive
function and that supplementation of <400μg/day adversely affected verbal
memory [1]. As FA intake is correlated with circulating
concentrations [4], the results reinforce the biological effects of FA on
brain development but suggest that doses above the tolerable upper limit are
detrimental. A systematic review by Gao et
al. found that only 15 of 22 studies observed benefits from FA
supplementation on neurodevelopment or autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) in
children, with 6 reporting no statistically significant effect [6]. Although this does indicate a protective effect,
inconsistencies within the literature should be considered. For example, Wu et al. reported no relationship between
maternal folate and infant development [12], whereas an inverse
association between FA supplementation and risk of autistic disorder, the most
severe form of ASD, has been observed [13]. Similarly, Schmidt et al. found higher intake of FA to be
associated with reduced risk of ASD during the periconceptual period [14]. The differences between
studies may result from bias due to incomplete ascertainment of ASD cases in
the cohort [13] or loss to follow up of those with lower
cognitive function [1]. This may attenuate the effects or result in lower
statistical power, causing null findings.
Many studies limit their analysis to
advised levels of supplementation but Valera-Gran et al. observed a reduction in cognitive function for those with FA
supplementation use ≥1000μg/day [1]. In contrast, it was also found for 5mg/day
supplementation, as advised for those who have previously had a NTD-affected
pregnancy, to be associated with increased fine motor development and receptive
and expressive communication at 18 months [4]. Exceeding the upper limit of 1mg/day may result in
unmetabolized FA in the circulation, of which the significance is unknown [5]. It is therefore likely that further research and
monitoring may be essential to determine whether high dose FA supplementation
should be avoided in the general population.
Recommendations for FA supplementation
beyond the 12th week of pregnancy are varied [15] and few studies consider its effects. Valera-Gran et al. observed higher FA intake between the fourth and seventh
month to be positively associated with verbal memory score and, across the
entire pregnancy, with verbal memory [1]. Maternal and cord red blood cell folate concentrations have
been reported to increase as a consequence of supplementation continuing into
the second and third trimester [15], which may have an indirect effect on cognitive
development by preventing Hcy elevation and subclinical folate deficiency later
in pregnancy when maternal folate declines [7]. Pre-pregnancy elevated tHcy has been associated with
poorer psychomotor and mental performance at 4 months and lower IQ at 6 years [9] so if high tHcy
during pregnancy has similar impacts it may be of value to continue
supplementation. It is important to note that Valera-Gran et al. suggests there to be no additional benefits obtained from
high doses, therefore it may be that folate from standard dietary sources could
The conclusions reported by Valera-Gran et al., that higher FA intake during
pregnancy is associated with improved cognition in children but doses in excess
of 1mg may be detrimental [1], have been discussed within wider literature. Some
inconsistencies between studies have been found and a limited amount of
evidence. Nonetheless, it could be proposed that there may be beneficial
effects of FA supplementation on neurodevelopment, with the potential for the
reduction in ASD occurrence, but that high doses should be avoided unless
medically prescribed. Consequently, without additional research, the current
recommendation of 400μg/day should remain. The study by Valera-Gran et al., among most others, tests specific
cognitive functions. However, to relate these factors to phenotypic behavioural
characteristics, it has been suggested that low maternal folate status increases
risk of mood instability, nervousness, somatic problems, phobias, apathy,
disruptive behaviours, impulsiveness and aggressiveness [2].
Moreover, it could be said that there
may be some benefits of continuing supplementation throughout pregnancy, but
this advice could not be extended beyond preventing deficiency. Consequently, the
fortification of UK flour with FA may be an optimum way to ensure high maternal
FA intake during the whole pregnancy to prevent FA deficiency, tHcy elevation, and
adverse effects on neurocognitive development. If this does not occur, it would
be important for pregnant women to include a variety of folic acid rich foods
in their diet such as leafy green vegetables, beans and legumes, yeast extract,
poultry and liver. Despite this, FA supplementation of 400μg/day during the
pre- and periconception periods should still be recommended in order to reduce
risk of NTDs.
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D., Julvez, J., Vioque, J. & Project, I. (2017). Effect of maternal high
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